Cubiks Tests Preparation

The Cubiks tests are designed to aid the employer in identifying the key strengths of a candidate. Furthermore, in evaluation of the outcome to assess suitability to a specific job role. If you are invited to an online Cubiks test by a recruiter, then you are likely to be in a fix wondering how to go about with it. You must know that every year over 2 million people take up the cubiks test. If you are invited to this test then you are definitely going to need some cubiks test preparation.

What is an assessment centre?

An invitation to the assessment centre indicates that your preliminary screening is already done and you made through that. Coming to the Cubiks assessment tests, the candidate is put through a series of psychometric questions evaluating the verbal, numerical, situational and decision making competencies of the candidates. This is usually the round two of the preliminary screening process that is adopted by most companies and H.R agencies.

What tests does Cubiks Assessment include?

The Cubiks tests are divided into three main categories, which are the Ability tests, Personality tests and Situational judgment tests. Each of these tests are further divided into different levels and thereafter sub-divided into sections. These tests are designed to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate to adequately develop and deploy these resources.

Ability Tests

Ability tests are divided under two levels which are Logiks Intermediate Assessment test and Logiks Advanced Assessment test. These are short duration tests. The biggest challenge for you in your cubiks test preparation would be to manage time effectively. The Logiks Intermediate has three sections: Verbal, Numerical and Abstract. You will face a total of 50 questions and you will need to answer them in 12 minutes. On the other hand, the Logiks Advanced has 30 questions to answer in just 20 minutes.

Personality Tests

Personality tests are called PAPI and Cubiks Factors, and are more relaxed when it comes to time. These tests are not so difficult to clear,  they are designed to disclose how you think and react to situations. This helps your prospective employer to figure out if you would fit into the required job role. In attempting these, the key is to project the personality that fits into the job role for which you are being screened.

Situational Judgement Tests

In this category of tests, the candidate is given a string of situations that require a choice to be made primarily in the form of decisions. Then, based on the choices and decisions that the candidate makes, the suitability for the proposed job role is determined. In answering this section the candidate shall bear in mind to construct a thinking process that fits into the job role that one is getting screened for. The key is not to get carried away by the situations and to relate it to the professional ability that the job role demands and answer accordingly. This can be said to be an extension of the Personality Tests that analyze a person’s candidature for a role.

Industries that count on Cubiks to screen and select the right candidate

1 Hospitality Industry Hyatt International
2 Automobile Industry Audi
3 Cosmetics Industry L’oreal Benelux
4 Finance Industry Deloitte
5 Steel Manufacturing Industry Arcelor Mittal


Hyatt has implemented the tests designed by Cubiks to assess its leaders.  Hyatt picks the right ones to move higher up and spearhead the organization. While Archelor Mittal was looking out for a partner with global footprint to develop and deploy its resources. Cubiks did the needful for them. L’oreal Benelux was looking for implementation of a transparent and adequate employee review system that its managers could use and Cubiks provided the required solutions. Audi required Cubiks to provide the necessary solutions to implement succession strategy of its long term goals. Deloitte is simply glad to recruit candidates through Etray and is glad to save some of its precious time.

Key to crack Cubiks

Time Management – Time constraint in the ability tests can cause a roadblock for many. With repeated practice you will speed up your ability to do the verbal and numerical within the timeframe allotted. These skills need to be brushed up as part of your Cubiks test preparation. To do that you must solve the Cubiks test sample questions on a daily basis for at least a week to ten days prior to the scheduled test.

Get a hold over the basics of grammar and numerical. Aptitude tests don’t ask you something that you have already not studied during your schooling and academic courses. However, it is likely that with the passage of time one tends to forget the basics. So a little reading of the basics of grammar and numerical could be of great help when it comes to cracking the Cubiks ability tests.

Speed up your reading – Depending on your current job role, you could be involved in a lot of reading or in a job where there is just the minimal everyday correspondence that you need to read. One needs to subjectively decide whether there is a need to speed up your reading ability. This is essential to answer the reading comprehension and other time based questions.

Cubiks practice test – This is a great tool for anybody who is scheduled for a Cubiks test. These tests help a candidate to get sufficient practice and a clear picture of the kind of questions that are going to be asked in the tests. This is a sure confidence booster and is available for free on the cubiks website. It is highly recommended that one takes this up to get a better understanding of the concepts and pattern.

Difficulty level

The Cubiks test sample questions and Cubiks practice tests demonstrate that the difficulty level for these tests is moderate. It is an intensive evaluation of what you are expected to already know and your approach to situations and your managerial decision making abilities. With your focus set on the basics, you need to showcase your decision making abilities and the manner in which you reciprocate to different professional scenarios.

What do companies look for?

The companies are always trying to get the maximum out of their resources and Cubiks assessment tests help the employers to identify the strengths of their existing employees and also aid the process of screening prospective employees.

The ability tests assure the employer that the candidate possesses the required skill set such as verbal, numerical and abstract. On the other hand, the personality and situation based tests are more critical and determine how a candidate is likely to reciprocate to a given situation or professional scenario.

Therefore, a core part of Cubiks test preparation is that you think differently to enable yourself to match up to the requirements that a specific job role demands Cubiks tests play a pivotal role in the employer deciding on your intake or suitability for a specific job role. Most employers from various sectors rely on the Cubiks tests to analyze the next course of action. Hence, the candidate’s Cubiks test preparation lays down the foundation for any further decision made by the employer with regard to suitability.

Useful tips to crack the Cubiks Assessment Tests

We have researched on and bring you some of the very useful tips to clear the Cubiks Assessment tests. Take a note of these tips to answer the Cubiks test questions and these simple-looking tips would make their mark.

  1. Appear for the Cubiks test only when you are well rested.
  2. Do not panic looking at the time constraint.
  3. Read through the questions swiftly but make sure you understand them thoroughly.
  4. Sit with all your resources such as a calculator, scratchpad and a pen to answer the tests.
  5. Ensure that you are technically well equipped with compatible OS and browser along with a high speed internet connection.
  6. Be sure that there are no distractions disturbing your focus while answering the Cubiks assessment tests.

A number of leading companies from diverse sectors place reliance on the Cubiks Assessment Tests for strategic implementation, internal resource management and recruitment process. For most companies a psychometric test marks the start of formal interview process and is a great assessment tool. The global presence of Cubiks has only further contributed to more companies seeking the services of this service provider to develop and deploy highly efficient resources.
