Tag Archives: Test Providers

Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude

First things first Wiesen Test for Mechanical Aptitude is a common Mechanical Aptitude test. It is imperative if you want to secure a job and afterward, a career in the heavy machinery and engineering industry. The various job roles that you can get through this aptitude test are those of train drivers, motor mechanics, engineering […]

Bennet Test of Mechanical Comprehension

What is the Bennet Test of Mechanical Comprehension? The Bennet Test of Mechanical comprehension is a test that we used to measure the mechanical problem solving ability of a candidate. More precisely, it evaluates how well an individual can identify the effect of physical forces on mechanics. This test is usually used in the engineering […]

The California Critical Thinking Skills Test

First things first Getting ready with your application for that job and have been asked to take the CCTST? Or perhaps you are a student and the CCTST gives you extra credit? Yet, you have no idea on how to prepare for it. Not to worry, here is a comprehensive guide explaining the CCTST and […]

Saville Swift Analysis Aptitude

What is Saville Assessment? Saville Assessment is a psychometric assessment business. It is a process which helps organizations to identify properly, select and develop potential teams and individuals. This type of assessment helps you to easily demonstrate your strengths, allows you to make career decisions based on your capabilities, and helps you to gain more […]

Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PI-LI)

About the guide The Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PI-LI) is a test designed for assessing a candidate’s cognitive skills. These tests have formed an integral part of many firms’ hiring process. Thus, we bring to you a well-written guide that would be your mentor when it comes to these PI-LI/PLI tests. These tests are brought […]

FBI Test

How to prepare for the FBI test? A job in the FBI is highly sought after, due to the perks that come with the employment. Not only it is tough to get the job with the high level of competition, many applicants don’t even have the right knowledge and information that’s required for the preparation. […]

Electronic Data Processing Test

First things first The Electronic Data Processing Test, shortly known as EDPT is primarily used by the Marine Corps and U.S Air Force. As the name of this test already hints, this exam is conducted to pick the right candidates for the Computer Programming and Information Technology positions. Even though the EDPT practice test is […]

Deloitte Assessment Test

First things first Getting a job at Deloitte is a dream for many. Candidates, who are seeking a job at Deloitte UK, need to prove themselves at every stage of the recruitment process amidst serious competition. Passing the Deloitte Assessment test happens to be one of them. Your performance in the Deloitte Assessment test can […]

Transportation Security Administration Test

First things first TSA is all about looking after the safety of travelers and passengers, especially at the airports. This thrilling job also includes some crucial tasks like – handling teams of dog squads (criminal investigations), explosive specialists, armed Federal Air Marshal at planes, screening officers in airports and so on. So, if you are […]

Aptitude Tests

First things first Aptitude tests are one of the most common parameters that are used by employers in the recruitment process to find the most suitable candidates for a job. Preparing for Aptitude tests beforehand increases your chances to pass the test to a great extent. Aptitude test preparation also helps you practice timed tests […]