First things first
Are you preparing for a new job which would require you to pass the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART)? Well, worry not as we have prepared a detailed preparation guide for the same. Many firms nowadays assess their potential candidates through different kinds of aptitude tests and DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART) is popular among them.
This guide takes you through the entire process of getting through the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART). Moreover, the guide offers you relevant tips to pass the test, jobs that require you to pass through the test, importance of the test for your recruitment process, etc. ‘Practice makes a man perfect,’ this is definitely true when you are going to appear for Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART). You would require sufficient practice of test sample questions to excel and prove your credential. This is where this guide comes into picture and offers you all the reliable information pertaining to Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART).
What is DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART)?
The Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART) is an online assessment tool which has been published by DDI. This tool is used for assessing the cognitive abilities of a potential candidate. Moreover, this test is an adaptive test which implies that each question is actually based on the candidate’s performance on the earlier questions. For example, if the last question is answered incorrectly, then the next asked question would be simpler.
Who needs to take the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART)?
DDI or Development Dimensions International makes use of the Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART) for screening employees for major international brands. These names include firms such as Nissan, Panasonic, Proctor and Gamble (P&G), Panasonic, Siemens, and various Fortune 100 as well as 500 firms. Moreover, the test is used across different industries for finding candidates for leadership level positions.
The Formation of the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART)
The DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART) is a timed assessment that includes 15 questions. Candidate gets about 2.5 minute for answering each question. Moreover, once a candidate finishes the question, the timer of 2.5 minutes resets. In addition, the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART) is unproctored. This implies that a candidate can take the test on his own online.
The Adaptive Reasoning Test assesses your figural reasoning as well as cognitive skills. Thus, you are required to decode a given pattern of shapes as well as figures to complete the test.
Tips to Beat the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART)
Here are some effectual test taking tips that can assist you in acing the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test (ART).
Read Properly
Be it any test, it is always advisable to read the questions properly and then proceed to give answers. Though this seems to be a logical process, many candidates miss out on this particular step. Since you get multiple choice questions, you may get options that are similar to each other. Thus, it becomes imperative to read the questions carefully and then answer.
Prepare a Mental Checklist
It is always advisable to develop a mental checklist of strategies you need to solve your questions. This would again assist you in solving the questions quickly and more effectively.
Prepare Well
Prepare well while writing down the questions and then try to give the answers. This would help you in making a detailed note of the questions and preparing a strategy well.
Practice again and again the same type of questions. This would help in minimizing the time taken for solving the questions.
To sum things up
The guide gives complete and relevant information about passing the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test. Thus, this guide is imperative for all the potential candidates. Moreover, the guide also presents relevant tips and tricks to pass the DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test. These tricks are easy to follow and can guarantee 100% success in the pre-employment test.
Why preparing for DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test is important?
DDI Adaptive Reasoning Test is used by many Fortune 100 and 500 companies for their recruitment process, especially for leadership levels. Thus, it becomes important for candidates who want to get a good leadership jobs in major brands to prepare well for the said exam